The Parish Finance Committee strives to develop means to generate parish income and oversees/monitors spending of parish monies.
Committee meets at least every three months in Chapelfield.
Chairperson: Fr Neil Farren; Secretary: Leona Kwong: Mr Adrian Cassidy; Dr Jim Weston; Mrs Rita Mellon; Mr Liam McQuillan; Mr Brian O’Kane.
The Parish Pastoral Council represents the people of St. John’s Parish. By ‘parish’ is meant a community of people committed to following Jesus – their guide, their strength, their inspiration. The council members commit themselves to facilitate the growth and development of life in the parish, especially the spiritual life of the parish.
Everyone in the parish is called by Jesus to serve Him, according to their ability and availability. This is clearly indicated in the parable of the Vineyard – where the master took in workers at every hour, up to the end of the day, and yet rewarded each one equally. He asks all of us “Will you work in my vineyard?”.
The Pastoral Council’s role is one of service, to facilitate the people of St. John’s parish to take their place in The Vineyard. This can be done in many ways, but especially in helping to build up the spiritual life of the parish, by prayer and reflection, by sharing and discussion, by helping to organise liturgical and paraliturgical events and above all by witness to the kingdom of God.
This service needs planning and direction, and requires Council members to meet on a regular basis throughout the year. These meetings should also help, in some way, to nourish and sustain the spiritual life of Council members.
To enter the St John’s Parish Draw involves a commitment to pay a £5 subscription every month for a year – £60 per year. Members are allocated a unique membership number and are entered into a draw for £1000 of prize money each month (£500; £100 x 4; £50 x 2). This draw takes place on the third Tuesday of each month, and there is an additional draw in December in the lead up to Christmas.
Members can pay their subscription in the sacristy or at the parish office, but most pay through a Draw Promoter in their local area – there are over twenty such promoters covering most areas of the parish.
This draw is the largest source of income for the parish and is open to anyone – from any parish or denomination – who is willing to contribute to the upkeep and welfare of the parish.