Weekend Masses
St John’s Church - Vigil Sat 6pm & Sun 11am St Mary’s Dunboe - Vigil Sat 7:30pm Aghadowey - Sunday 9:45amWeekday Masses
St John’s Church - Mon – Fri 10am St Mary’s Dunboe - Wed 12 noon Aghadowey - Tue 12 noonAdoration - Wednesday
St John's - 1.30pm to 5.00pm1st Sunday in Lent
Is your child getting ready to start Year 1? Or have you moved into this area? Book a visit now!
St John’s SVP Conference Coleraine Report for year ending December 2021.
Download the latest edition of the NET, January 2022. Sharing fruits of faith in Derry Diocese
Situated on the western side of the River Bann, this parish takes in Dunboe (Castlerock), Coleraine, Macosquin and Aghadowey. The main church of the parish is in Coleraine, but there are also churches in Dunboe and Aghadowey.
Whether you're getting married, need a baby baptised, or someone close has passed away, you'll find everything you need to know here.
The people are at the heart of every parish. We need Euchartistic Ministers, Readers, Altar Servers, and many more.
Without your financial support, the parish simply would not exist. There are many ways in which you can help the parish. Click on the link below to find out how.
St. John’s SVP Conference now covers the entire parish and local community. During these challenging times we have had an increase in calls from families and individuals in need. SVP VOLUNTEERS: anyone interested in becoming a volunteer and working with the parish team , please leave your name and phone no. at the SVP helpline no. 07752017340. Someone will get back to you..